Kislev 5785—The Ninth Hebrew Month
December 2–31, 2024 Be Sure to Celebrate Kislev is the ninth month. The number nine symbolizes fruitfulness, completion, fullness of blessings, and the Holy Spirit (nine gifts and nine fruit). This connects to our having received the “breath of God” as per Abraham and Sarah and the Eleven (see Gen. 17, John 20:21–23[1]), so think “exceeding fruitfulness.” This fruitfulness comes because of the miraculous power of God working in our lives. Rejoice! 1. The month of the tribe of Benjamin. He was the only one of the twelve born in the land of Israel. Especially now at this time, be sure to pray earnestly for Israel. The anti-Semitic spirit is an anti-Christ spirit and hates us just as much as it hates Israel. As you pray, be sure to remember the Lord’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you” (Gen. 12:3). Especially thank God for His hand of protection on Israel, and pray that the war would end and peace come to Israel and the surrounding nations. 2. A month to develop your warfare strategies, and a month to have prophetic revelation for war. Benjamin was the most gifted with the bow (which represents the prophetic). Genesis 49:27 states, “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” This year, 5785, God has reminded us that His breath (the Holy Spirit) is upon us for exceeding fruitfulness (see Gen. 17). 3. A month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. Kislev comes after the flood and is connected to God’s rainbow covenant. Whenever worry or concerns rise up, remember that it is God who is in charge and He will take care of all we commit to Him. 4. The month of the Hebrew letter samekh [ס], which looks like a circle. It signifies trust, confidence, support, and coming full circle. Also note that the letter samekh is a circle. Think of yourself as being in the middle of it, surrounded by the care, safety, and protection of the Lord. Also rest in the truth that old negative cycles and patterns have been—and are being—broken so they won’t keep coming back. 5. A month to review your support system. The Lord has prepared new doors for us to go through. We should expect some new people to be connected to us. We will aid them, and they will aid us. 6. The month of the rainbow. You must “war” to have peace. This Biblical concept is important to recognize. Peace will not just happen; we have to fight for it. Whenever something negative arises, immediately go to the Lord and talk to Him. Talking to Him will put the situation into His hands. Be careful to not accept the words of the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12:10) against anyone. Trust the Lord to take care of “problem people” and don’t worry about them. 7. The month of a sense of peace and tranquility. Last month marked the beginning of Noah’s flood and was a reminder to us to understand that a flood is a sign that we have something in our lives we have to deal with. God doesn’t want you to have to go through a flood again. But definitely thank the Lord for any “stumble.” Know that the Lord is holding you by your hand and this is an opportunity to deal with a blind spot (see Psalm 37:24) [2]. 8. Kislev is known as the month of dreams. The Lord has been “piling up” things throughout the year. Often, He releases that revelation during the night. Expect dreams from the Holy Spirit as you sleep. They may be dreams resulting in healing, or dreams of vision for your life (like Jacob when he dreamed of the ladder to heaven). 9. You may have to let God heal you of some trauma so you can sleep better as well as receive dreams (which are sometimes blocked by trauma). Some dreams are just God replaying a memory of something. If needed, ask the Lord to heal you of that trauma and He will. We know from Psalm 127:2 that “He gives His beloved sleep.” 10. The month of the belly/womb/abdomen/river of God. Jesus said that if/when we thirst, we only need to come to Him and drink. This means talk to Him; spend time with Him. The result is a river of life flowing from us. This river is described in Ezekiel 47. At first it’s shallow, but it grows deeper. The river of His life flowing from you is deeper and it brings healing. Let the Lord use you for healing people and situations. Additionally, if you have physical issues with your stomach and abdomen, ask for and receive healing, as many others have. 11. A month to “shoot straight” and move quickly. This means when it’s time to decide on something, make the decision and move. Don’t be afraid to cut your losses and move on through. 12. The month of Sagittarius (the archer). It’s a time to fight against empires and cultures. Watch Israel, America, and any covenant nation. He has covenant with Israel. God also has covenant with the US and several other nations and has destinies for them. Consider how America has long been a light and a place of refuge—a chance for a second start for innumerable peoples from around the world. The anti-Christ spirit that we are seeing rise so rapidly aims to get the nation to abandon God and His covenant. Thank God that His people have arisen in spiritual warfare, and that great victory was manifest in the recent US election. 13. The eight-day-long Jewish holiday of Hanukkah (Dec. 26–Jan. 2) begins during Kislev and ends during Tevet. Hanukkah is about the miracle of lamp oil not running out. The Maccabees had taken back the temple, cleansed it, and rededicated it to the Lord. They didn’t have enough consecrated oil, but decided to light the lamps anyway. God miraculously intervened, and the oil lasted and lasted. What an incredible picture for all of us. When we give our lives fully to Him (which is His original intended purpose for us), He will make sure we never run out of the oil of the Holy Spirit. Our lamps will always shine brightly. Also, I just learned that Jewish people were forbidden to fast during this feast. Be sure to rejoice. References [1] “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven’” (John 20:21–23). [2] “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand” (Ps. 37:24).
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