Seven Days of Training Ourselves to Enjoy God—The Feast of Tabernacles
Seven Blessings/Results of Celebrating the Feast of TabernaclesWe’re in the middle of the week-long Feast of Tabernacles. Even though this feast occurs in the first month of the new Hebrew year, it’s kind of a culmination. We’ve already gone through the celebration of Jesus’s salvation and deliverance for us (Passover), as well as the celebration of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Pentecost). Now we are in the Feast of Tabernacles. What does the Lord have for us to learn as we celebrate it? Here are several points: 1. Seven Days of Training Ourselves to Enjoy God—“And you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days. … You shall dwell in booths seven days” (Lev. 23:40–41). For the Israelites, it was a reminder that God was with them and wanted to dwell with them. While we already know His presence is always with us, this seven-day period of the Feast of Tabernacles is kind of an activation. We too can make some kind of booth in a part of our house and be sure to spend some time in there daily. As I go there and drink coffee, or pray, or talk with Richard, it helps me remember the Lord is there with me in my house. It helps my thoughts focus on the correct things. God wants to be part of my (and my family’s) daily life, and He wants it to be very enjoyable. This is why some call it seven days of training ourselves to enjoy God. 2. Ingathering—“And the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you have gathered in the fruit of your labors from the field” (Exod. 23:16). God wants us to have the mindset of prosperity and blessing. He wants us to have expectation that as we work and do what He gives us to do, that the result will be success, blessing, and increase. He wants to “ingather” our finances. He wants us to see an “ingathering” in our ministries. We should also note that specifically this year we have passed into a time of great ingathering—or harvest—of souls worldwide. 3. Enlarging—“I will cast out the nations before you and enlarge your borders” (Exod. 34:24). We should expect that He will increase us and enlarge us. The more we are aware of His continual and practical presence, the more our thinking will begin to enlarge. Furthermore, He will enlarge us with new connections and new opportunities. 4. Blesses Our Family—“That your generations my know that I made the children of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out” (Lev. 23:43). The Israelites’ children needed to know of the prior experiences and how the Lord was with the Israelites in difficult times. It’s the same for our children. But doing the activation of the booth is more than just an object lesson—the more I myself enjoy the Lord, the more His blessing flows to my family. 5. Reconnects Us to Our Source—The Feast of Tabernacles was a remembrance of how the Lord was with them every day during the forty years in the wilderness. It would also remind them how God was still with them daily—that He was their source whether or not they were in the desert. Likewise, God doesn’t want us to think of Him only when we are in trouble, but He wants us to know that He is our source of and for everything. 6. Blesses the Work of Our Hands—“Seven days you shall keep a sacred feast to the Lord … because the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands so that you surely rejoice” (Deut. 16:15). What an incredible promise. God wants to bless and increase you in every way. The result will be rejoicing. Not a rejoicing in faith that the blessing will one day come, but a rejoicing because of receiving the increase. 7. Release of Flow of Holy Spirit in Our Life—Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts let him come to Me and drink. … Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water (John 7:37–38). The Feast of Tabernacles is about drinking of Him. We do this simply by acknowledging Him in our daily lives. Do you want more flow of the Holy Spirit? Do you want more of His power flowing through you? It’s simple—live your days with the Lord in your thoughts and mindset. 8. Shine Brighter and Brighter—Not only is the Feast of Tabernacles about the Lord releasing the necessary water (of the Holy Spirit), but it’s also about light. Jesus is the light of the world, but He also said, “You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). The more we train ourselves to live our daily lives with Him, the more we will find His light shining in us. In other words, we will get the revelation we need. Also, His influence through us will greatly increase. Thanks for praying. Apostle Kristi Highwalker Fire Tribe Global Academy
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